Fuchs Logo

Fuchs Logo PNG Fuchs Logo PNG

Fuchs Petrolub SE is a company that produces lubricants and related specialty products. It is based in Mannheim, Germany, and works at over 30 production plants. The company was established in 1931.

Meaning and history

Although the Fuchs logo is based on a pretty generic palette, it has a unique touch and looks dynamic. It somehow echoes the Pepsi logo (both in terms of the colors and shape).

Fuchs Logo

In the center, there is the name of the brand set in a simplistic sans where all the strokes forming the glyphs have equal width. The italics add some implied motion, yet the majority of the logo’s dynamism comes from the four shapes surrounding the wordmark. The shapes can be described as swooshes or halves of a smile. They create an illusion of circular motion.